Our hunch worked! Rust490’s intuition that ideas and entrepreneurs across our communities were impatient to be brought together and unleashed proved right- the inaugural Top End IdeasFest’s immediate legacy was a step up and outpouring of action.
Designed like a start up weekend, but condensed by Rust490 into one intensive day the IdeasFest was an exhilarating whirlwind on the 22nd of April 2017 at CDU Darwin Waterfront. Ideas were put forward in the morning, 8 teams came together and then worked on formulating those ideas or problems into business solutions. Guided through agile lean canvas methods by Rust490, each team drew on support from mentors and coaches. In the late afternoon each team pitched their concept to a judging panel, trumpets sounded, prizes were given… and then there was the after party!

An exciting inaugural event that Rust490 was stoked to coordinate in partnership with ThinkLab and ThinkSmart NT, with Luke Gosling MP as our wonderful host. We’re cooking up more spicy events right now…
For further info about IdeasFest please see www.topendideasfest.com and join us on facebook